originally posted on January 30, 2022

The primary purpose and intention of this auction is to test whether authorities are willing to abide by the supreme law of Canada by allowing ISS members to be subjected to laws enacted by a legislatively assembly that makes fundamental democratic constitutional rights available to be exercised at all times instead of laws enacted by a legislative assembly that effectively denies these rights for years at a time without demonstrable justification. If authorities are not willing to abide by the supreme law of Canada, then the accompanying part of this purpose is to test whether courts are willing to uphold their duty to enforce the supreme law of Canada upon authorities who have sworn allegiance to the Queen who gave assent to the supreme law with her signature.

A secondary, and far from inconsequential, purpose of this auction is to have some harmless, responsible fun, the only laws being broken appearing, according to a reasonable interpretation of the Constitution, to be “of no force or effect” as per section 52 of the Constitution Act, 1982, part of “the supreme law of Canada”.

The most recent bid in this auction presently stands at $12, cast by Teresa Rutley, previous prime representative of the ISS, on February 4.

The auction item is a quantity (1.18g) of cocaine commonly valued at $100.

Possession of this particular bag of cocaine was, to my knowledge, the first act in contravention of Crown laws in Canada using the constitutional defence that the laws were created by a legislative body that denies fundamental democratic constitutional rights for several years at a time.

The auction item is stored in a safe deposit box at my bank in Burnaby.

The closing date for bidding is June 20, 2022 at 7PM BC time.

To see the terms and conditions of the auction, please click right frakkin’ here.

To cast a bid, please contact my profile, Samuel Michael Frank, on facebook, or else contact me by email at psamfrank@gmail.com.

To see the results of testing the auction item, please click here.

A cult of drug hatred has perpetrated violence and destruction upon decent people worldwide for many decades. If you are a member of this cult, please consider whether people who are caused harm by drugs can be protected without violence and destruction toward other people who have shown no lack of competency and responsibility with the drugs they enjoy. If, on the other hand, you find my atonement for my previous supportive attitude toward this cult to be as yet insufficient, then I shall make myself receptive to your guidance, if you offer it, as to how to more effectively remedy the harms I was complicit in causing.